Welcome to Campus Leagues at Sport Sheffield!

Leagues are open to all University of Sheffield students, staff and Alumni and comprise of weekly fixtures during term time.

Breaking News
  • Sign Ups are now live! Head to www.sport-sheffield.com/campus-leagues to join!


Spaces Available 01 Aug

We still have spaces available to join our Campus Leagues for 2019-20! Just head to www.sport-sheffield.com/campus-leagues to enter your team. 




Todays Fixtures

SURC fc vs Physoc Football
CompSoc Greens vs Dodgy Ballers
SUDSS vs Dartselona FC
Free space team dropped out vs Mighty Mums
Skeets Scores vs Medics Hockey
Looses Legend vs SUDSS
Poke City vs Ed Bram
Chemical Engineering 2 vs CompSoc Greens
MBB vs Mechsoc F
TekkerSlovakia vs University of Sheffield Islamic Circle (USIC)
Chemsoc fcc vs Mansoc Tuesdays
Endcliffe (A) vs Polsoc Conway
Hindusoc vs Gemsoccer
GRAND Masters vs 1 Corinthians
GEMsoc vs Easy as Pi FC B
Blue team vs Red team
Green team vs Black team
Yellow team vs White team
Korf Netball vs Psysoc b
Econ Netball vs Journosoc
Psysoc a vs History netball club
MecSoc vs Geogsoc
Wockey vs GRAND Slammers
Physics Society vs SUNC Social Netball
Biomed vs SUDSS
Music Culture Society Netball vs Easy as Pi NC
Tennis vs Sports Comm
Medics Netball vs SUAS FC
PolSoc vs Sociology Society
Sister Slay vs Civsoc Netball
Humanity Boys vs BAME Eng. Warriors
Mechsoc 2's vs BasketballGirls
Mechsoc 1's vs CompSoc Greens
Free space team dropped out vs Jimmeh
The Pale Vales vs Trynaholdchriswood?
Windgather lot vs Madeline Milan

Open Competitions

No competitions to join